Just like any other workplace - we too as lash artist, have to determine which client falls under what category. I know that sounds crazy, but it's true. No matter where you work or what you do - there will always be at least 4 types of customers. Or in our case, clients!
We're about to dive DEEP into the 4 main types of customers and clients you will come across daily. So let's meet the girls. We have your economical clients, passive clients, emotional clients and cognitive clients.
1. Economical Clients
These types of clients have a very focused, strategic and specific way of "spending". Essentially, they live in a mind frame of "will I get bang for my buck" to try and save wherever they can. They are very strong minded "know what I like and need" type of person. If you're trying to convince them otherwise, you'll need to give a REALLY good reason
This economical client is one that will often book in for special events, birthdays, Christmas ect or to keep up with trends ONLY. They aren't willing to spend the $$ every 2 - 3 weeks for up keep. And if they did became addicted and maintained the up keep - if times got tough, lashes would be the first to go!
Some ways you can look to work around this type of client is by offering suggestions to make them think they're maximising their spending. For example, if they're getting hybrids or 3D's - offer a 5D set! Yes, it does cost more, but the set will appear as if they last "longer" because of how thick the volume is. Again, due to their "no it all" attitude, the might decline the offer - so read the room! Don't be pushy and over do it, try and be as genuine as possible and give REASONINGS. Remember, they must have the "why's" in order to make a decision.
By doing this, it helps build the mentality that paying the extra money will in fact benefit them! Because 1) she gets to keep them "longer" and 2) she'll be more inclined to book in every 4 weeks opposed to the 2 - 3 weeks. Although, technically - no, you don't want clients pushing our their infills to 4 weeks - times like this, we make exemptions. Think smarter, not harder girls!
2. Passive Clients
These ones can be tough cookies to crack (and read)! They're not usually susceptible to get on trends and try out new things. The often come across as blunt, or just the classic "resting bitch face" - it's not to say they aren't AMAZING people, they just genuinely don't want to engage OR their running their mind a million miles an hour (over thinkers).
Similar to the economical client, the passive client is also very strong minded and hard to persuad. So offering things like "aftercare packs" or "add ons" every time will only enhance their "no" mentality. These sort of customers shop based off their own decision making related to two things - 1) personal needs and 2) emotions. So let's say your packaging was purple, and her favourite colour is purple - she'd automatically buy one because it's HER colour and HER choice.
One way you can work around this is by educating - and not in an annoying, robotic way - keep it real! If you see some eye junk, tell her what she needs and why - offer a cleanser and maybe a cheeky little discount to build rapport. If she says yes and purchases, she'll try it and LOVE the outcome - therefore, she'll trust every word you say going forward. Even something as simple as being like "I saw you liked my wispy photo, wanna try it out?" She will DIE for this - why? Because you made her feel seen and important.
The passive client thrives off feeling seen, heard and exclusive! So do whatever you can to make her feel like a true VIP - just don't be a pusher, no one likes a pusher (Kady). You don't want to "over sell" to this client - she'll see right through you and avoid at all cost. Don't mask and copy her emotions, responses and actions to "match the energy" - you just keep doing you! Hopefully, your personality and theirs will bond and she'll start to open up and talk (which yes, may take some time).
Once you build the rapport and gain their trust, the passive customer will stick with you for LIFE! They won't even want to try anywhere else, go anywhere else or be anywhere else. You will be the chosen one. I know it'll be hard to navigate at first, but don't give up on these clients!!!
3. Emotional Clients
No - this doesn't mean they come in crying, sobbing and screaming every appointment. Rather, just in the sense they make decisions based off their emotions. These decisions can be irrational and difficult to explain. For example, they could splurge out on a 5D set because they feel insecure that month, then drop down to classics when they're feeling confident. I, personally - think I'm an emotional client. I base my set on my mood and they will too!
This type of customer THRIVES on emotional and genuine connections, so the more you build trust and rapport - the more you'll be able to understand their needs and wants. They LOVE having nice things and feeling comfort and stability while doing it. Often they can come across as "perfectionist" because they like things certain way and do things when and how they feel.
Realistically, you have to "go with the flow" when it comes to this type of client. If they want something one month and something else the next - go with it! Better yet, LISTEN to them. It might be subtle, but they'll start discussing their likes & dislikes. Once you get an idea of who they are and what they like, offer set suggestions. If you know she loves a light volume but is quirky and wears pops of colour - offer some decals or coloured lashes! If she has a clean girl aesthetic - offer classics and a lash mirror! If you know they love lash videos and watch them all the time - ask if she wants to be in your next video!
Whatever you do, be gentle, patient and understanding with this client! You might not always understand how and why they chop and change so often - but that's why this customer is so fun! You get to be creative and change up their look as often as they let you! Win win really.
4. Cognitive Clients
They are INVESTED. They more so will come to you, because it's you! Not even for the work and experience lol. This type of client is someone who wants to know every detail about everything. They'll ask a million questions about you, your life and typically "what you're doing". The cognitive client is so much fun, there literally won't be once drop of awkward silence.
Whatever you do - DON'T shut this person down. And by that, I mean - don't be blunt, don't use closed questions, don't do the "yeah" and "mm"s as a response - they want real, raw conversations! As soon as you start to distance yourself - you'll loose them as a client, forever!
The are the type of clients that will book in for the next 4 months, so make sure you have a rewards card! This is a great way to treat all your loyal, returning clients. You can also offer them the "first spots" during your busy period to gain more client satisfaction. This will make them feel exclusive and important (something we all thrive off) so don't be scared to go the little extra mile for your cognitive clients!
And yes, it's ok to not vibe with a client every now and then! Some people just don't click and if that's the case - you can always refer this client to someone else. However, if it's continuous and you can't keep up conversation and communicate with (at least) the 4 types of clients - you shouldn't be in this industry. (eeeep)
Based off your zodiac sign, wh
Based off your zodiac sign, wh
Based off your zodiac sign, wh
types of lash clients
Ok - so now you know the 4 types of clients! It's a lot to remember, but once you start to Identify who you customer is and how they base their decisions, it'll become second nature. I've listed some "reminders" below - because essentially they go hand in hand with knowing the customer.
1) Don't forget to have your services and products visible at all times - nobody shops unless they can see what they're going to get!
2) Remember, some types of customers like our "emotional" and "cognitive" clients need a genuine reason for their purchase. Go the extra mile where you can! For example, if the "passive" customer is hard to crack - offer them a free lash cleanse! They'll love the feel and outcome, more so leading them to pay for the next cleanse OR buy a cleanser to do at home. It's that simple!
3) Be accommodating! Don't make booking or paying online difficult - this will only deter every type of client. Instead, have easy payment options or a square reader for clients to pay on the day. Your "economical" clients will love you especially.
Knowing your types of clients won't happen overnight - it'll take a few sets and/or people to really get a gist of the different types of shoppers and buyers. The best way to try and understand the "buying" and "shopping" habits of your client and/or customer is by active listening, open-end questions and reading the room. It sort of like the "right person, right service, right product" sort of thing! You don't want to offer the wrong thing to the wrong person - it's detrimental to the growth and turn around of your business.
Although this seems intense and daunting - it's really not! Lashing is one of the best jobs in the world because we get to "work" with like-minded people. Once you open up and be yourself, you'll understand the needs of each and every type of client! It'll change your lashing life. And so do rewards, loyalty and ambassador programs - but we'll save that for another blog, so that's all for todays lash lecture.