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Updated: Oct 9, 2023

Running out of caption ideas? Or just over posting the same old "4D set for this beauty" sort of thing? Then GIRL, we got you!

Cute, unique and relatable captions not only set the tone for your business, but it helps grow your insights and customer turnaround. Captions are just as important as the photo or video itself! Just think - when you see a post with a cute caption, you automatically like and follow, right? Same goes for your lash content! Create captions that makes YOU want to like and follow to see more.

First, let's get some ground rules down!

1. ONLY create lengthy captions if it's an educational post - cleansing, lash cycles, lash growth, how to's ect. People automatically scroll past if it's a) too long, b) non-educational or c) pointless. Keep it simple, relatable and on trend!

2. USE HASHTAGS! I know they're embarrassing and make it look like you're "trying" to gain customers and clientele - but who cares! Hashtags are the way to get your videos and photos seen beyond your follow list, especially on tiktok. Don't over do it - maximum of 10 hashtags per post.

3. ASK questions in the least obvious way possible. Avoid saying things like "What set do you want to see more of?" or "Comment if you have brown eyes" - it's an automatic ick. Be relatable and encourage people to leave comments without pushing for it. Little secret - don't put the set in the caption. This will boost comments and insights, increasing your chances of new customers/viewers.

4. DON'T be generic and robotic. Just like you post different angles, sets and styles - you also want to post different types of captions! Be creative and include little aspects of your personality - things like emojis, sayings/memes or abbreviations.

5. TAG the brand you're using and the client in the photo or video! This is called networking and it's the key to gaining new clientele. Tagging opens up doors to be seen on the explore page, in story re-shares AND in tagged photos - again, expanding your insights and client growth.

Here's 10 relatable caption ideas you can use! Don't forget - be unique, change it up and personalise it to represent who you are and what your business is all about.

love always,

gtb xx

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